V.I. Warshawski knows Chicago’s politics: 'Pay to Play'. Money changes hands then buildings and pa..
Prague 1935: Viktor Kosárek a newly-trained psychiatrist arrives at the infamous Hrad Orlu Asylum f..
Little Lien wasn't taken from her Jewish parents in the Hague - she was given away in the hope that ..
Nine years ago divorcee Marcia Brown took her own life. A pillar of the community she had been accus..
It is 1997 and someone is slaughtering young black women in Burdon County Arkansas. But no one wants..
In the Middle East tension is escalating between the British and the Arabs. Misfit Lieutenant Harry ..
When high-flying journalist Sheridan Gray loses her job her boyfriend and her flat she knows she mus..
Lola has clawed her way to the top of her South Central Los Angeles neighborhood growing her gang in..
6 June 1944 somewhere over Normandy. Robbie Stokes sits in a glider waiting to descend. Ten stomach-..
World-famous archaeologist Nina Wilde and her husband ex-SAS solder Eddie Chase think they have left..
Russell Bass is a potter living on the edge of Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. His wife has been dea..
1864: Suddenly left as the head of the family Kitty McKenzie must find her inner strength to keep he..
Dandelion House 1974: Two teenage girls - strangers - make a pact never to tell their secret. Caling..
Billy and Dawnie may be in their seventies but that won’t stop them taking chances or starting aga..
Paris 1943.Sylvie Martone is the star of French cinema adored by fans and on the good side of the Na..